When I appeared on Holly Tucker's podcast 'Conversations of Inspiration' recently, she asked me to write a letter to my younger self. It's amazing what comes to mind when you set yourself this task. Here is the whole podcast episode, and below is my letter...
Me at about seven years old on the beach in Dorset
Dear Rosie,
I know you don’t always like to be told things until you’ve reached that conclusion yourself, but I feel I know you well enough to share a few observations with the benefit of nearly 49 years of experience.
All that writing and cutting song words out of Smash Hits you did as a young girl will stand you in great stead because you will go on to edit one of Britain’s best loved magazines, become an author several times over and tell stories for a living. What a joy! Your career will bring you so much happiness, but a big test comes when you wear yourself out with it all. Learning to pace yourself doesn’t come easy - it never has - but your crash becomes a chrysalis for a new chapter, quite possibly your best one yet. Go for it girl but take the learnings from this time with you. ‘Pause, reflect and organise’ will become your mantra for good reason.
You will wear your heart on your sleeve and as you go through life it will hit you hard when people don’t turn out to be as kind or trustworthy as you thought in return. But don’t let your positive spirit be thwarted, focus on what you know to be right, because your kind heart and good instincts will be your superpower. You’ll even write a book on this subject and share the power of compassion with a great many people. You will thrive when doing this.
Ultimately you will learn that no one thinks about others as much as they do themselves. So try not to worry about their opinions or expectations and be true to your own course. Once you learn how to tune in to your authentic self, your life is going to open up in the most exciting way. Be brave. Follow your instincts. Surround yourself with people who truly champion you, as you champion them.
Regarding your personal life, listen closely to this one. There will come a point when a guy asks you to marry him on bended knee in China, and you’re initially not sure. Make sure you say ‘YES’ Rosie! It will turn out to be the best big decision you will make. He’s the most amazing life partner and father, and the life you build together will be beyond your imagination.
When you decide you want to have children, do go and get everything checked out. It will save you years of wondering why things are not happening, and one simple op will solve all that fast. You might wish you did this sooner, although, with hindsight, the experience teaches you an important lesson in learning to be patient and that the best things often take time to percolate.
You will never take motherhood for granted, it is the greatest gift and source of happiness for you. Your two beautiful boys will be your proudest accomplishment.
Rosie remember that, at the end of the day, giving love and being loved is all that really matters. Whether that is love for your family, the love of great friends, and the love for yourself, faults and all. When things get busy, boil it back down to that.
Oh and stay away from Sun-In it will wreck your hair, and tequila will never agree with you, so forget it.
Other than that, you are enough and you are loved. Have lots of fun.
What would you write to your younger self?
You can listen to the whole episode with Holly Tucker here: